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Tory Mp Mark Logan Quits Party Urges Voters To Back Labour

Tory MP Mark Logan Quits Party, Urges Voters to Back Labour

Former Conservative MP Throws Support Behind Labour

Logan: Labour Can Bring Back Optimism to British Life

Former Conservative MP Mark Logan has announced that he is quitting the party and urging voters to back Labour at the next general election. Logan, who was elected as the MP for Bolton North East in 2019, said that he had "lost confidence" in the Conservative Party's ability to govern effectively.

In a statement, Logan said: "I have come to the conclusion that the Conservative Party is no longer the party that I joined. I believe that Labour is now the party that can best serve the interests of our country." Logan's defection is a significant blow to the Conservative Party, which is already facing pressure from voters over the cost of living crisis.

Logan's decision to back Labour is likely to boost the party's chances of winning the next election. Labour is currently leading in the polls, and Logan's endorsement could help to convince voters that the party is ready to form a government.
