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A Brutal Stage With A High Point

Alpecin Cycling

Tour de France Stage 17 Preview: The Queen Stage in the Alps

A Brutal Stage with a High Point

Stage 17 of the Tour de France is often referred to as the "queen stage," and for good reason. This stage is considered the hardest day of racing for its brutal elevation gain and demanding terrain. The stage will take riders from Saint-Gervais Mont Blanc to Courchevel, covering a distance of 166 kilometers. One of the key challenges of the stage will be the ascent to the Col de la Loze, which is the highest point of the 2023 Tour de France.

Col de la Loze - The Highest Point

The Col de la Loze is a formidable climb that has not been featured in the Tour de France since 2020. The climb is 21.5 kilometers long with an average gradient of 7.8%. The final kilometers of the climb are particularly challenging, with gradients reaching up to 12%. Riders will have to dig deep to conquer this iconic ascent.

A Test of Endurance

Stage 17 will be a true test of endurance for the riders. The combination of the long distance, high altitude, and challenging terrain will push the peloton to their limits. Only the strongest riders will be able to withstand the demands of this stage and position themselves for overall victory in the Tour de France.

As the Tour de France enters its final week, Stage 17 is shaping up to be a decisive moment in the race. The riders who can overcome the challenges of this stage will be well-positioned to challenge for the yellow jersey in Paris.

